My dear Albanian neighbors and friends (near and far),
Allow me to express my great respect and appreciation for
your kindness, generosity and hospitality.
Let me to say “Thank You” for helping me to integrate into your
community, work among you and to encourage your youth to become confident and
skilled leaders of the future. And let
me share in your frustration with the country’s challenges as you continue your
development as a democratic nation. I
understand that programs and systems are not yet adequate to serve all your
needs. I understand why some days it feels like
nothing will ever change. But today, I have living proof that CHANGE IS
A story:

Some time later, returning from her walk, and having stopped
at a market, the young woman climbed her stairs and was met again by the
increasingly foul stench from the doggie pile-o-poo. As she passed, she leaned away from the smell,
but there was no escaping it and she had to stifle her gag reflex. Not wanting the stink to infiltrate her
groceries, the girl quickly entered her apartment, again thinking, “That is
just disgusting!” And she started to
wonder… Who’s dog was to blame for this
offense? Did any of her neighbors even
own a dog? Perhaps this was the mark of
a street dog? Regardless, she was
steadfast, “Someone really needs to clean that up!”
Later that day, the young woman stepped out from her
apartment again… it was still there, and potent as ever and she was frustrated. How long would she have to wait for someone
to clean up? Until the evening? Tomorrow?
Until it had become petrified shit?
She was so frustrated that she made a decision. “I’m
not willing to wait any longer.” She walked back inside, grabbed 3 plastic bags (tripling up for safety and the sheer ick-factor), and
then literally took the matter into her own hands.

So as you can see… change can and does HAPPEN. That young woman (notice how I keep using the
adjective!) was ME. And the story is
true. (You can even ask my mom!)
Never before in my life, have I ever WILLINGLY picked up dog crap! But today, it was necessary and important... and
so I did.
And if I can change, and do
just one little thing for my neighbors… think of the magnitude of change that
will come when each Albanian does SOMETHING within their power to do something
for their neighbors, their city, their country? And not because its easy or popular… Or not because it’s their job… Or not because they’ll get public recognition…
Just because they are not willing to
wait any longer for something to change! That day is coming and I just can’t wait! (which is exactly the reason why I am here.)
So there you have it… the proof that change is possible. It is within each of you. Do something, anything. Don't wait, start today. There will always be challenges and
frustrations. There will always be
greater need than we can accommodate.
There will always be injustice. But we must never stop ourselves from doing THOSE things that ARE within
our power to bring change.
Peace, Love and Extra Plastic Baggies