Monday, December 30, 2024

Don't Call it a Comeback...

For reals, this amateur dabbler of travel blogging is coming out of retirement!

Nearly 12 years ago, I wrote my last blog entry as I wrapped up Peace Corps service and left Albania, returning to my home in the U.S. At the time, I assumed "that's it," Same Shqip, Different Day had served its purpose.  How could I have known a day would come when another international adventure would present itself and the SAME blog title would apply?!

As of January 2, 2025, I'll be embarking on the MV Odessey, a cruise ship that serves as a floating university for Semester at Sea.  And for the next four months, the WORLD is our campus. 

medium-sized crusie ship in a harbor

And look at that - Same Shqip, Different Day works perfectly. Well, except for that pesky Albanian Q*, but I'm going for it!  Now I know that some of you are sticklers for accurate spelling.  And for you all, I offer a few points of consideration:

  1.  Its MY damn blog and I can take any liberties I want.
  2. In my Facilitator experience, I've learned the rule/request of SDK when scribing responses from multiple participants in real time: Spelling Don't Kount.
  3. I couldn't actually figure out HOW to update the formal blog on the back end and gave up after an extensive 90-120 seconds, so here we are.  Ship/Shqip.  PoTAYto/PoTOToh.

"But how did you GET this GIG?!" asked in dismay and disbelief...

I get it.  I'm still pretty baffled myself.  

I have no experience in higher education and nautical know-how comes solely from watching The Love Boat in the early 80's.

My role on the ship is that of a Care Companion, essentially a bonus adult/auntie, for the kids of the Dean of Student Life.

Once again, no Nanny experience.  No children of my own.  And the last time I had a legit, paying babysitting gig, Color Me Badd and C+C Music Factory were topping the Billboard charts. 

4 men in 90s era bright clothing and sunglasses poseAlbum Cover with a women in a green dress, a man in a black suit and images of gears

As I said, BAFFLED. But, here's the thing...

There is nothing greater than the power of COMMUNITY.

Over the past several years, I've participated in personal and professional development through group coaching and communities of practice.  Between Dr. Kathy Obear's Year of Transformation program and Dr. Alysondra Duke's The Brink Academy, I've met and built community with some of the most amazing humans on the planet.

These humans (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) have irrevocably changed my life.

They've inspired my leaps of faith.

They've cheered and championed my successes.

They've shown up to draw me out of my darkest moments.

One might consider them Life-preservers. 
(yep, Imma be playing up the nautical puns, and this one is 1000% sincere.)

On the daily, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for these folks - and the many life-preserving family and friends who've buoyed my path to this moment.  I feel so incredibly lucky that we each made decisions that placed us in each other's worlds.  What's more... I know they feel this same way about me.

So when one of these amazing humans (what's up, Amy Newcomb??) sent me a text...

"I have an idea I want to float by you. Its a little crazy..."

 I knew something BIG was in the works. 

My response:  "Whatever it is, I'm IN."

Two women posing on a street in Thailand in front of ornate temples

Fast-forward 7 months and I'm sitting here in a Bangkok hotel, sharing this story with you and prepping to board a ship that will take me and 700+ other passengers (university students, staculty, and life-long learners) to 11 port cities in 10 countries across Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe. 

And it will be my high honor to bring you along for it all!

Peace, Love and Life-Preservers

P.S. Who's gonna shout out the other un-named 90's artist who got a nod in this post???

*Te dua that pesky Albanian Q, even if I never truly mastered the pronunciation. And te dua, Vjollca for never giving up on me in spite of it!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Honoring my Host Family-a Final Visit

Kopshti e Razijes (actually, just a corner of her beautiful garden)
It has begun... the onslaught of Good-byes.  Most recently (last night and this morning) was the last visit with my Host Family, those who took me in when I first arrived and supported me through 10-weeks of training.  

Like most people, I don't like to say good-bye and prefer the more hopeful "until we meet again."  And while these may seem unrealistic, in my experiences Life has a way of bringing good people back together again.  

Case in point:  Just two weeks ago, I had the very special opportunity to reconnect with someone I hadn't seen since my High School graduation in (hate to admit this) 1995 - Joel VanBriggle.  I actually met Joel when I was in Kindergarten at North Franklin Elementary - a school that doesn't officially exist anymore.  (Shit..I really AM old!)  Through many twists and turns of fate...Joel and I found ourselves across the world in Albania at the SAME TIME!  Only a month before my departure... he was here laying groundwork for his next career step with Convoy of Hope Europe.  We never could have planned this happen-stance reunion but God's will/Kismet was in full effect.  BUt the truth is...It IS a small world, after all.  Yes.  I did that.  You'll be singing that all damn day.  I'm sorry.

Thanks to instances like my reunion with Joel after nearly 20 years...I believe in the power  of "until we meet again." 

Allow me to return to my purpose today....a tribute to my Host Family- Familje e Kujtimit Kateshi.  Last night, brought my last opportunity to express my gratitude for taking me in, giving me a home and a chance to learn and be successful in my Peace Corps service.  Here is the letter I gave them (with translation support from my awesome colleague, Anila!  also, the English version is below.): 

Mami dhe Babi

Te dashur Razije, Kujtim, Jerina, Antonini, Manjola, Martina edhe gjithe familje tjeter!
Dy vjet me pare ju me ftuat ne shtepine tuaj.Une isha e huaj,nuk dija as edhe nje fjale ne gjuhen shqipe .Nuk kuptoja kulturen shqiptare ,mbi te gjitha isha e humbur por kisha qellime te mira.
Prej miresise tuaj une kisha nje shtepi,prej durimit tuaj une pata nje vend ku te mesoja,prej shpirtit tuaj une kisha nje vend per te qeshur,prej dashurise tuaj une kisha nje familje dhe prej kesaj une kam qene e bekuar.
Nuk kam fjale te mjaftueshme per te shprehur se sa mirenjohese jam prej secilit prej jush.Ju do te jeni perhere pjese e kujtimeve te mia me special dhe une do tju mbaj gjithmone ne zemer .Faleminderit Nje million here faleminderit.

Me ndjenja te sinqerta,

Dear Mom, Dad, Sister and Brother, Another Sister and her baby and all the other siblings (there were 3 more, who also have families!) who live abroad!

Two years ago, you invited me into your home.  I was a stranger.  I did not know a single word in Albanian.  I did not understand Albanian culture.  Essentially, I was lost.  But I had good intentions.

Because of your kindness, I had a home.  Because of your patience, I had a place to learn.  Because of your spirit, I had a place to laugh.  Because of your love, I had a family.  And because of this, I have been blessed.

There aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am for each of you.  You are forever part of my most special memories. And I will carry you in my heart always.  Thank you.  A million times, thank you.

With deep affection,
Motrat Gjithmone!  Sisters Always.

I knew there would be tears.  As my host sister, Jerina read the words  aloud, Mamaja, Jerina and I became more and more choked up.  And as I tried to reinforce how grateful I poor Shqip skills had us laughing at my mistakes in no time!  Tears, Laughs, Smiles... it was bittersweet, but heavy on the sweet.  I adore my Kateshi family:  special people who live in a small village, a village far too small to hold their enormous hearts!  

Peace, Love and Shihemi prap (See you again)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Not a typical "Day at the Office"

My primary project assignment with Peace Corps is with the Municipality of Elbasan/Bashkia Elbasan…the local city government/qeveria.  And for the past two years I’ve been regularly walking the two flights up steps at City Hall to my office.  But today… brought something very different/dicka shume te ndryshme!

But first, let me walk you through a “normal” day. 

My morning arrival is full of greetings – the staff in the Information Office, Koli and Fati the two lobby doormen, Osman and Jonida the city photographer and journalist respectively who work on the first floor.  Then I start my climb.  At the second floor landing, I usually stop an talk with (another) Koli, the mayor’s security guard.  He likes to test my Albanian skills/aftesit e gjuha shqip and tease me since I’m just not very good. 

Some days, citizens will be seated outside the mayor’s office, waiting to speak with him about their concerns.  Other times, this landing is full of community leaders who will convene for discussions on how to make improvements to the city, in spite of limited resources.  Before continuing to the third floor/kati tre, I stop to see Diamanta, my boss…NO, my friend… and we talk about the day ahead.  And then its time to go upstairs/shkoj larte where I pass the men who work in urban planning and public works.  They are always dressed to the nines…. shirt, tie, sweater and jacket.  Looking sharp/duket e mire!  I’ll knock on the door of the Human Services office to say hello to my friend Vilma and then finally the end of the hall…..Economic Development!

I’m lucky to share an office with a large staff of friendly colleagues:  Bledi, Ervin, Kristina, Ornela, Anila, Fatma and Andromeda.  Olsi….the department director pops in and out regularly too!  It’s a little crowded, but I don’t mind.  It keeps us close…. telling stories, learning Albanian songs and laughing.  OH!  And we work too/ O! Dhe ne punojme gjithashtu!

But today was NOT a normal day!  Arriving at the Bashkia brought a very special and happy surprise.

When I walked to the second floor lobby, there was no crowd of community leaders.  There were no men or women waiting to share their challenges with the Mayor.  Instead, six children/gjoshte femijet squeezed onto the small couch in the waiting area.  Accompanied by their 5th grade teacher, Ms. Kokoshi, these students were meeting with the Mayor to develop a partnership between schools and the municipality.  Their goal: help make Elbasan a cleaner and greener city/ nje qytet me paster edhe me gjelber.

They were inspired by a “Flash Freeze” and city clean-up event that was coordinated this past weekend by Peace Corps volunteers to honor Earth Day.  (Spin-off of last year’s Earth Day Flash Mob!)  As PCVs, we hope our actions create positive change.  Sometimes it is an active effort and sometimes more passive.  To hear first hand that a Peace Corps Albania event is having a near-immediate impact on the mentality, and even better, the actions, of this community....Well, that is just plain awesome!

It was such a pleasure for me to speak with these 5th grade students who believe celebrating Earth Day/Diten e Tokes just once a year isn’t enough/nuk eshte mjaft!!  I couldn’t agree more!  And I’m eager to learn more about how these young leaders will do great things for Elbasan!  And a special recognition to their teacher, Ms. Kokoshi for going above and beyond/me lart dhe pertej her duties and for supporting young activists!  I have so much respect for you!/Une kam shume respect per ju!

Peace, Love and 5th Grade Activists

P.S. Here's the link to the Elbasan Municipality's official article.  Can't read Albanian?  Use Google Translate!  Or your iPhone!  Or your neighborhood Albanian-American! :)ërgjegjësimi-për-ambjentin-ku-jetojmë-fillon-që-në-moshën-e-edukimit/487262057994262

P.P.S. When I was in fifth grade, I was sort of a mini-activist too.  Here's a link to the "Observer-Reporter" newspaper clip about my best friend and me getting "good citizenship" awards.,1280351
However, we are both a little unclear on how we were selected based on "neatness." ha!  Best friends in 1988....and still are today! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fresh Meat/Mish i fresket

This past Wednesday marked a special day for Peace Corps Albania - the arrival of the next group of volunteers - Group 16, Fresh Meat!   Our Training Manager asked me to come greet them and go over some basics of our cell phones.  Sounds silly, right?  Teaching 35 tech-savvy Americans about cell phones?  Well, consider this - Peace Corps cell phones carry an element of time travel…about 15 years into the past.  In a smartphone/iPhone dominated society, these relics do require a refresher course.

Wednesday marked a special day/dite te vecante for me as well.  Standing in front of the new group, naturally, I was reminded of my arrival day.  Of sitting in that same hotel dining room, curious and for the most part, clueless.  There they sat, quietly and patiently, but I could feel their intensity.  The excitement of starting this journey, the uncertainty of what’s to come and how they will manage to work through it, the jet-lag making everything just a little hazy.

It’s been two years since I was in their shoes/kepuce.  At the time, I coined the phrase appre-citement:  a hybrid of apprehension and excitement, which was exactly what I was feeling.  Standing there now, I can’t believe how quickly time has passed, how much I have learned, how many new friendships I’ve made and how I’ve grown.   

Albania started as a mystery and became a home.  I’m part of a community. In some places, I’m even a “regular.” For example/per shembull, When I walk into the butcher’s shop, before I even get to the counter they ask, “chicken breasts? How many?/fileto pule? Sa?”  I’ve become predictable/Une kam e bere te parashikueshme.  My life is comfortable and routine, but to be clear, never mundane!  After all, I still screw up the language!  I recently told my boss that I “shaved” it instead of “saved” it.  Well, that was fun.

But now, as I look ahead, here I am again, curious... and for the most part clueless.  My service will end on May 24th.  The uncertainty is back.  When I look through my calendar (which is a paper, by the way) and I turn to June/Qershor… its completely blank.  Crisp, fresh, white paper.   Other than a few birthdays (Dannyboy, Dave and H.Lee) I don’t have anything concrete to fill in.  And so I’ve coined a new word again. Liber-fying: the hybrid of liberating and terrifying.  Liberating because the only obligations I have are to myself.  I can carve my own path. Terrifying because it’s all new.  I’m new.  And I’m not sure how to navigate my way to the future I want. 

Two years ago… I didn’t know how it would work out.  But it did and I am better for it.  In Albania I've learned the expression (that I’ve used here many times)Avash, avash.”  Which is literally slowly slowly, but boils down to “one step at a time.”  And as liberfied as I feel in this moment, I know it will all work out again.  Just like everything will be amazing for the Mish i fresket - Grupi 16!  And just for fun, here’s a video created by MY group 14…our lessons learned. PC Albania Group 14's Lessons Learned.  Click through, you'll like it! (unless you are a grumpy curmudgeon, then don't bother.)

Peace, Love and the Mystery of June.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Project is Born/Projekt ka lindur.

Preface.  In the last post I gave a “sort-of” excuse for being missing in blog-tion that I had been busy with work.  So…to be fair, I’ll now spend some time writing about this work!  Elbasan Youth Council (EYC).  Those three words represent, far and away, the most rewarding experience of my Peace Corps service.  All thanks to the 29 brilliant youth participants and my six program colleagues.  The next few posts will be dedicated to this program… “my baby” and the EYC family.

I had been doing some youth development programs with area high schools.  It was fun and important work, but I felt a nagging sense of guilt for being outside the Municipality of Elbasan- my host agency (PC jargon for primary assignment.)  I shared this guilt with my new site-mate, Luis, and whined about (he deserves a medal for tolerating me!) how I wanted to develop a city-based youth program.  Together we hemmed and hawed over multiple ideas.  How can we make this work?  And then, because he is awesome/ai eshte i tmerrshem, Luis nailed it – A Youth Municipal Council.  We pitched the idea to our Mayor, who has a soft spot for youth programming.  In fact, Mr. Qazim Sejdini started HIS career in youth development.  SLAM DUNK!  We were off and running!

Elbasan Youth Council’s program design closely resembles a model of my own experiences with “Tempe Leadership,” a civic initiative that educates future community leaders.  Never re-invent the wheel, when a great model is available.  Cheers/Gezuar to 28 years of the Tempe Leadership tradition... now paving the way for the future of Albania!  A debt of gratitude.    

This BRAND new youth leadership program, publicized to all 14 high schools in the city, brought quite a draw… nearly 100 applicants.  Wow!?  Was it because the Youth are ready to have their voices heard?  Was it because this program provided a chance to further their English skills?  Was it because Albanians LOVE America and two Americans were part of the program?  Was it because Albanian Youth value opportunities for developing their leadership skills?  I think the answer is YES, to all of it!  However, certainly the “America card” is the least important or should be!

From 100 applicants, we had to cut the field to 30.  Yikes/O bo bo!  No one wants to be the “bad guy” who has to turn away hopeful and eager applicants, especially when they are teenagers/adoleshentet! But learning how to deal with disappointment is a leadership lesson in itself.  It had to be done.  So we devised a score card that ranked applications based on the quality and completeness of answers to essay questions.  And also took into consideration reference requirements.  We made every effort to be as fair/i drejte and transparent as possible. 

As you might imagine, in a culture where nepotism is the norm and favors are often paid… this was not easy/kjo nuk ishte e lehte. Soon after the selection announcement, my Albanian counterparts were subject to phone calls from irritated parents asking, “Why wasn’t MY child selected!?” This would be followed by defenses such as “But we’re neighbors!” Or “Our kids go to school together!” Or “Our family supported the Mayor in his last campaign.”  I can only imagine how uncomfortable these calls must have been. 

I was nervous, “Will we have to waver, make exceptions?”  The thought of it made my stomach hurt.   I worried that we were pushing our American standards on a culture that might not be ready for them…and frankly, might not even want them!  Even with months of cultural and community integration, at the end of the day, I’m still and outsider.  I’m not Albanian/Nuk jam shqiptare

As it turns out, my worries were unnecessary. (much like my Mom's usually are about my nutrition, skin care routine, online profile, etc. but I digress.) My Albanian counterparts made me proud, as they remained firm time after time. They countered the inquiries by explaining; “We followed an American system for transparent and fair scoring.” They invited parents to review our process.  They invited disappointed applicants to go over their applications to receive tips and advice for strengthening their case next year.  And for the most part, with this explanation, came acceptance from nearly all those who challenged.  I was encouraged by students who pledged to try again next year.   And I was touched by the level of respect shown to American values.  And although America is far from perfect, this is something of which I can be proud!

In the end/Ne fund, we invited 30 young men and women to the First Class of Elbasan Youth Council.  One by one, as the selected Youth arrived for Orientation on an early Saturday morning… smiling, eager, curious and full of hope, I knew we’d done something right!  Very right.  And that was only the beginning/vetem fillimi!

Peace, Love and Doing the Right Thing.

PS:  More to come on EYC including… Youth Priority Issues, Community Projects and Making it Happen!